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主持人临时问道杨锐对Robert Gates访问中文的看法的看法。杨瑞说:
The purpose of the Secretary Robert Gates’ recent visit toPRC was meant to avoid the risk of miscalculation and to resume themilitary-to-military ties which are increasingly important for maintaining the peaceand stability in East Asia. Now, the reason why China decided to suspend theproposed visit that should have taken place last June was largely because ofthe US’s decision to sell 6.4 billion US dollars’ worth of army sales to Taiwanwhich is regarded by the mainland as a renegade province since the end of thecivil stifle in 1949. This time around, Secretary Robert Gates was given a red carpet ceremony to showcase China's sincerity, introducing a genuine dialogue about mistrust or why mistrust has long existed between us. During his visit, the test flight of the J-20 was carried out in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in Southwest China and this immediately became a headline-making stories. The American perspective argues strongly that this is intended to embarrass the US and to flex its muscles. Chinese would say, Hey, at least, among all the other allegations, the Chinese wants to promote transparency among for military build-up. Now, having said this, we all agree that there is no absolute transparency about sensitive and classified defense information to say/see nothing of a relationship between the so superpower following the demise of the former Soviet Union and a rising power of China. Now, don't forget the annual defense budget of the Pentagon is half a trillion and China's is only a fraction of it. With a growing global stakes of China, because we are fast becoming a global economic player, we have become the second biggest economy. We need a strong defense force to safeguard our national interests, some of which are the core interests.
2,用词准确,而且数据什么的随口就来,可见平时的积累。对于有些人说国内四六级毕业的人也能写出这种文章来,我就只能呵呵了。不说句法,随便列举几个单词 stake, safeguard, demise, flex, 看起来好像都简单,但是大部分人自己写作文的时候真的用不起来,或是用错。
(补充) 我回答这个问题不是为了挣个高下,所以拜托各位不要再争来争去了,谁是第一说到底和我们有什么关系,我自己是抱着学习的态度,不是要争论对错的目的来知乎的。而且我说的都是自己的观点,我没有要求任何人认同我的想法,你有什么意见我欢迎,但是别一上来就把我批判一番,如果那样的话,我直接宣布你赢了好不。
用词方面,renegade province是官方对台湾的定性,wiki上也有用到这个词Political status of Taiwan。 这些东西都是平时积累起来的,要不然临时真用不起来。 而且他的固定搭配,用词非常丰富,这一点真的比大部分主持人都要见功力。而且我竟然看到有人表示国内通过四六级的人也是能写出同等水平的作文,我真是醉了。
China's richest man Jack Ma on Alibaba's IPO success
马云: Well,I think, still, as I always believe that customer number one, employee numbertwo and shareholder number 3, but today what I got is not money, what we got istrust from the people, millions of small businesses, so many shareholders. I amso honored and so excited, because when you see those shareholders, you knowthe responsibility. I’ve been thinking about next 5 to 10 years how I can (be)making sure these shareholders be happy, but very important thing(s), makethese guys, people standing there (???). If they are successful, we all behappy. That’s what I believe.
主持人:Something else that you have a lot of today is money. 15billion or more raised by the company. Not to mention a currency which we’regoing to watch open here in probably a couple of hours that you can conceivablyuse. How do you view that strategically for Alibaba? Are you going to be buyinga lot of things potentially outside of China? Give us some sense here in termsof your thoughts now that you have an awful lot of money at your disposal and ofcourse a stock price that conceivably is going to be highly valued.
马云 :Well, I think, to me, as an entrepreneur…and the instinctof entrepreneur is try to build the things yourself and I think there are somany things we have to do with our ecosystem. Not only we are helping smallbusiness in China, I think small business in South Africa, in SEA, in Europe,in the States. A lot of farmers need the help. So I think the money will bespent in there. The technology wanna acquire if we wanna acquire, we wannaacquire … and buy these companies can help the ecosystem that can help thesmall business.
刘欣:Thank you very much. This is a recognition of a decade ofdedication and perseverance and hard work of all my colleagues back in Beijing.CCTV News was known as CCTV 9. It was launched in September 2000. It onlybecame known as CCTV News in 2010, I believe. The idea is to provide a Chineseperspective on what’s happening in the world. Chinese people account for onefifth of humanity, so I think it’s necessary to know what they are thinking,what they are doing and how they look at this world and that’s what we aretrying to do. ---- We are 20% of the puzzle. Without us, the picture is notcomplete.
这些都是被采访视频,所以都算是即兴的口语,我觉得也是最能体现语言功力的。自我看来,杨锐绝对的第一,如果你关注一下他,足见他平时的积累是非常丰富的。没有必要太纠结与别人的口音,等到学习到一定程度的时候,制约自己进步的往往是表达观点的能力。 |